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Advancing Medical Research and Education: Strategic Outcomes…

The Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy in Bucharest hosted a pivotal roundtable titled "Medical Education and Research in Romanian Health Policies: Bridging Education, Research, and…
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Alliance4Life proved that HR Excellence in Research Award leads…

Article written by Eliška HandlířováAlliance4Life, a bottom-up initiative uniting progressive life science institutions from Central and Eastern Europe, was established six years ago to bridge the…
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Viewpoint: Researchers need Widening to offer more than just…

"In many Widening countries, researchers lack funding to build research labs and research groups. Even when young people wish to come back to their home country, there aren’t enough career…
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Successful presentation of the Alliance4Life projects

On March 28th, in the Miroslav Čačković Hall at the University of Zagreb School of Medicine (UZSM), our team presented the final results of the project "Alliance for Life Sciences: From Strategies to…
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Alliance4Life is a bottom-up initiative of twelve leading life science institutions and universities from eleven countries of Central and Eastern Europe that aim at closing the divide in European health research and innovation. Members of the Alliance are progressive research institutions that have the necessary strength to stimulate institutional change.

Large-scale ESIF investments into the life science infrastructure alone could not close the R&I gap in Europe so far, financial support needs to be complemented by measures on research and innovation strategy at institutional and national levels. Institutions gathered in this Alliance believe that improving governance and managerial practices as well as transforming institutional culture will enhance efficiency and increase return on investment


Alliance members joined forces to share good practices in 2017 and successfully implemented their first Horizon2020 action during 2018-2019. Public outcomes of this project are available in the section Documents & Deliverables - “Alliance4Life 2018-2019”. Currently the Alliance4Life implements its second project. The work plan and public outcomes are available in the sections Work Packages and Document & Deliverables “Alliance4Life_ACTIONS 2021-2024”. The current project focuses on raising the institutional profiles of Alliance4Life´s members to attract and retain international talents and to provide the right operational framework conditions including improved research management. Moreover, the goal is to help overcoming traditional national conditions inherited from the communist era that were neglected during the political transformation in the CEE region. Alliance4Life intends to become a role model for institutions in less performing regions and to serve as a hub of excellence through close collaboration with renowned European networks established in high performing countries. The alliance contributes also to science policy and to shaping priorities at national and EU levels, especially with insight suggestions on how to increase participation in the Framework Programme, by providing recommendations and feedback on the new ERA and WIDENING programme.​​​​

The project “Alliance for Life Sciences: From Strategies to Actions in Central and Eastern Europe”   received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 964997. 

Disclaimer: This website and included materials reflect the view of Alliance4Life consortium and the European Commission is not responsible for any use that may be made of the information it contains.